Countdown to Audrey's 1st Birthday

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

18 October, 2008


A gift that can make a difference. Got this from a mama fair and wow... so many people are signing up. What a real money making machine just to store your redundant bio waste in deep freeze and hope it will not be put to use.
It preys on our fears that we might regret not having store the cord blood should someday we need it to save life. Well, we fell prey to it and so begin the lifelong journey of subscription. The irony is that we do not wish to thaw it for use, ever.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

we did the same thing too... hehehe
btw, congrats on the arrival of audrey...

waiting for some nice pics to b updated soon.