Countdown to Audrey's 1st Birthday

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

08 November, 2007

"... Dear, when can we have our blog published..."

"We should have a blog of ourselves!" exclaimed von, who has been pursuing her friends' blog religiously for the past 6 months.

After much tugging and constant reminder for it, I finally registered our blog space - hovon. Like a behavior of a 3 year old, I made a big hooha over this accomplishment, feeling I am one step closer for a nobel prize nomination.

Then came the bombshell... "Please dear, at least have something there for people to read..." von spoke with anticipation.

So with that, came the1st keynote entry... "hello world"...

Our blog space was very much left empty after its glorious birth and just as quickly as it came into life, it diminishes into the wilderness with only 1 blog entry - "hello world"...

"You got to do better than that, darling."

"Look at this blog... and this... with pictures somemore. Let's start with blogging our newly renovated home first. I'm sure its gonna be interesting for all our friends to read comment."

So, for several months I've come out with several good excuses such as "We got no camera to take our home pictures, let me buy a camera first", "Let's read up on PSP slim instead".

Now, with the already acquired camera and PSP under our belt and the long weekend holiday with von in Suzhou, the very first official blog is written for her leisure reading. I'm sure there are more to come while she is still in Suzhou....

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