Countdown to Audrey's 1st Birthday

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25 November, 2007

Reno work

The reno took up the entire month of April and while the sweat-smelling workers are hard at work, we have our own endeavors as well. It has become a ritual that every weekend or free time, we will heed down to whatever place to furnish our place. I guess it is the same for all newly wed couple to get excited at every advertisement that claims their furniture is heavily discounted during the sale period. It also appears to me that the promotions are already on-going for months and without any hints of when the sale will ever end.

We already have a vision of what we want to see in our home. I, for one, stubbornly insisted on having a ceiling fan. The engaged interior designer suggest doing away with it as it will become an eyesore in the living room.

"Nah... I would rather have a ceiling fan than the ugly standing fan towering over the corner of the feature wall and the need to adjust the optimal fan direction to accommodate everyone." I thought to myself. "Let’s include the ceiling fan into our living room and see how it goes..." I insisted.

Plasma tv will be mounted onto the mirror-finished feature wall. The intention is that the feature wall is made up of several long horizontal strips of black-colored glass across the entire wall to enhance the feature of our long living room space. Unfortunately, the glass has to be divided at the center because there isn't enough space for the worker to manoeuvre in the stairwell while toiling the glass to our home. We also wanted a full length mirror as our dining space backdrop.

Living room has 2 lighting schemes - white energy efficient dowlights for reading and general lighting and warm florescent tubes hidden under the L-box ceiling around the living and dining areas. Warm lightings are concealed under the tv console and full length mirror. We soon realized that we had too much lighting in our house when we shop for the lightings! Too late!!

All the rooms have concrete stabs at the windows and von wanted something special for our bedroom. She opted for cushion covered window bay with a sliding mini table so that she can rest her back onto the wall and do her future blogging there... (I am hoping to see this happening though...)

Study room has customized black/white laminated study table and cabinet. No unsightly drawer handles for everything as the cabinet doors are tapered.

Stay tune for the completed home interior photos with furnishings and different lighting moods...

Lighting wiring
False ceiling
Galaxy grey feature wall
Study Room Window bay
Study table and Cabinet
Ceiling fan!!
Balcony lamp
MBR light
Bedroom light
Dining light
Feature wall and tv console
Living and dining
von cosy window bay

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